Child Abuse Hotline: 866-824-9548

The Support Group for Male Victims of Childhood molestation, rape, incest, and physical abuse is a support Group where Victims come together to discuss our pain, rage and the way we deal with being a Victim of a childhood attack. We discuss ways that we can heal our wounds to go onto living a happy and prosperous life. Male Victims of Childhood molestation suffer from:

  • alcohol addiction
  • cocaine addiction
  • dependency addiction [“acting helpless to get attention from others”]
  • depression
  • heroin / opium addiction
  • high blood pressure
  • homelessness
  • “love addiction” [“I can’t stand to be alone”]
  • pack rat addiction [keeping old newspapers, magazines and other useless items]
  • panic attacks
  • pornography addiction
  • suicide
  • tobacco addiction
  • unemployment [our anger inhibits our ability to stay employed]
  • unexplained fits of rage

stopchild All of the above are Symptoms of our pain and rage at being attacked as Children which have manifested themselves in our adult lives. The above are destructive ways of dealing with our rage/pain without having received therapy and still being in denial about our attack. The Support Group for Male Victims of Childhood molestation, rape, incest, and physical abuse is a Support where Victims come together to discuss our pain, our rage, the way we deal with being a Victim of a Childhood attack and ways that we can heal our wounds to go onto living a happy and prosperous life. The first step to healing is to talk to people who have gone through the same experience as ourselves. Presently, we need web designers, writers, artists, graphic artists and promoters to get the word out about our Group and to help to build our Group. Call 443-760-1787 and ask for Hesman or email us at :